my nam is looch i am a kool kat

      where is olivia going home to paris
      luciaa are you alright your brothers status on your accoutn? yeah im fine
      Ispsndpwndpabfownfocowndnzxvmasdfghjlkqwertyuiop pwnd
      Do you like swimming in pools of cemen? no!!!!
      What did ur brother say dunno
      Are you scared of pussy cats at night? meow
      Whatd your brother say? i didnt read it
      what's wrong why did ur brother write that stuff? are u okay xxxx im fine he is just being a good brother
      pick: jade or jazzy ella or steph mia or alli k emilie or jadeos xoxo jade, steph, mia, jade
      what did ur brother say im sure someone screenshotted it
      i think what ur brother said was realy nice yeah i love him a lot
      top 10 gen girls i like liv and anna
      fuck me you are actually so fkn hot wow thank u
      Heyyy looch hi
      youre actually like the hottest girl in year 8 thank
      yeh lucia yhe
      Hi hi
      Do u and jack unger still have a thing? nope haha never did