why do you put your last name as avocado.....?
it's my real last name
stop listening to die antwoord. they're just perverted
they corrupted my innocent mind :'(
pipi in jaja
you're no fun :( i thought you would get creeped and look out of the window so that i could say: HA! i bet you looked!
looking out the window would mean I'd have to get up and I just got in a really comfortable position so it's not happening anytime soon
i'm secretly watching you. look through your window
I just waved, just in case
enable chat!
so you are drinking tea? my plan to appear creepy worked!
yes it's delicious, Iris got me fancy tea for my birthday
it worked once though
agatha you're bad at this
i know help shouldn't you be able to chat or something
and is the tea you're drinking good?
how's the tea you're drinking?
how did you know
it's not showing me a chat box idk why
idk how omg im so confused someone help
are you getting my questions?
is it working now
shouldn't i be seeing your answers?
ok wait