I LoVE SOccER WeiRD and LIke WaLKIng UNiCOrNs

      HI SIMBA YOUR MOM LOVES YOU<3 Love u 2 mom
      Michael i liked u since the first day i meant you and i talk to u a lot but idk how to tell u that i really like you, your such a hawt a chocolate man you remind me of lebron james, i really think ur funny and cool, please talk to me, im that rreally Awww thank u i would talk 2 u maybe message me who u r or something :D
      do you have the amazing alarm clock like KSIOlijadeBT? I wish i did hhahahah :D
      Why you so beast, and have so much pace? Haha I was born this wayyy
      hey sexy, i love youuuuu<3 ahah Thank u I bet u r as well
      macklemore or edhseeran? O.o OMG that just might b the hardest question i've ever been asked